Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Great Big Idea

OK, so I've realized how I am going to make my millions in this life....

I am going to write a book called "The Purpose Driven Cart"!

It will explore the basic principles and etiquette of using a shopping cart in busy shopping areas. It will transform lives and, as we apply the principles, we will make other shoppers so happy!

A sneak peak at a couple of chapters..."Keep movin', movin', movin," (resisting the urge to come to a complete stop in the middle of the isle when other shoppers are behind you), and "Be a Pacesetter" (learning to stay at a pace that is faster than molassas in January).

My favorite place for applying this book would be Costco, but you can pick the store of your choice - Ikea, Safeway, Sam's Club, really, the places are limitless.

1 comment:

Ash Tray said...

Millions are on the way... a best seller, no doubt. Ash