Saturday, November 01, 2008

Out of Rhythm Confession

Wow!!  The last few weeks have sent me flying out of a rhythm that I know God wants me to live by.  I've been too busy, made too many commitments, had too much conflict, have neglected my time with God and in the word, have eaten poorly, haven't worked out and haven't carved out time to stop and play with my family.  And now I am fighting a cold!  (My body sure knows how to stop me when I'm out of whack!)

All this comes on the heels of creating a calendar that encourages us to live by a different rhythm - a different story.  And I've gotten away from that story and allowed time to consume me, rather than using time to live in God's ways.  Oh how I need to pay attention to God's rhythms or it all falls apart in a chaotic mess!

I can honestly say with the psalmist, "The nearness of God is my good".  So tonight I begin the difficult task of exchanging one way of living for another - choosing to not listen to one rhythm and actively pursuing the other.

That is my confession.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your honesty and earnestness to seek a life of deliberation and abundance. I pray that in this time, you will be strengthened and encouraged by His Word, that your immune system will increase, and that you will use the lying down times to find focus and restoration.

Would you be willing to share your calendar of rhythms? I struggle with what the practicality of that would look like. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Tara Malouf said...

Wow! Thank you for your kind words! (And I actually started feeling better today!)

I'd love to share the calendar which is a new version of an old rhythm. I took the Christian Seasons and created a calendar with them. Then I am using a different blog site to post ideas, readings, actions, prayers, etc. to put into practice during each of the seasons. It is an experiment in intentional living and being formed by God's Story!