Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wearing my Prayers

This is not a new concept to me, as I have often worn a huge nut (as in nut and bolt bought at Home Depot) around my neck at times when I want to remember to pray for something that is heavy on my heart or God's heart. The nut, hanging around my neck, is heavy enough to clunk me in the chest many times a day and bring the thing(s) back to remembrance.

Lately, God has led me to a form of prayer, from the Celtic tradition, that seems to overlap with this wearing of my prayers...

Traditional Caim prayer or circle prayer looks like this: "When words get in the way , the caim or “encircling” prayer can often be helpful. Draw a circle clockwise around yourself, using the right index finger as you say this prayer; this symbolizes the encircling love of God. (The situation may make this physical action impractical; in which case see the action in your mind’s eye as you pray.) See yourself and others encircled and be aware that the living God surrounds and encloses with His love, care and protection."

Wearing the Caim prayer - I have a necklace that is simply a circle, made of some shimmering substance (almost looks like the inside of seashell), that I always get comments about. I have started wearing it as a form of prayer...when I put it on I say a caim prayer, when people comment on it, I smile and ask God to encircle them or me or both, when I reach up and touch it, it reminds me to be grateful for God's encircling love and to remember that I bind myself to this encircling, Three in One.

Crazy perhaps, but it helps me to live in the rhythm of prayer as I live out my life. It is a constant reminder of being surrounded by my King and being allowed the privilege to embrace others in His name.

I bind myself today
The power of God to hold and lead
His eye to watch, His might to stay
His ear to hearken to my need
The wisdom of my God to teach
His hand to guide
His shield to ward
The word of God to give me speech
His Heavenly Host to be my guard.

The Mighty Three
My protection be
Encircling me
You are around
My life, my home
Encircling me
O Sacred Three
The Mighty Three


kathig said...

hello, my friend.. i started to email you yesterday, but my important was blindsided by the urgent. and such is life, sometimes. .. just wanted to tell you i love you and miss you... glad to read your posts again (where have i BEEN??)

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing this, my friend. You help me in my search for symbols and representations and reminders of my faith. I adopt the circle as my new symbol - Christ, before me, Christ behind me, Christ on my right and on my left - Christ encircle me.
I just found this Scottish circling prayer and thought I would share it with you:
Circle us Lord, Keep evil without
Circle us Lord, Keep deceit without
Circle us Lord, Keep ignorance without
Circle us Lord, bring joy within
Circle us Lord, bring honor within
Circle us Lord, bring wisdom within
Circle us Lord, bring Love within