Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Caedmon's Prayer

As I read this, it resonated with my heart...

I cannot speak,
unless You loose my tongue;
I only stammer,
and I speak uncertainly;
but if You touch my mouth,
my Lord,
then I will sing the story
of Your wonders!

Teach me to hear that story,
through each person,
to cradle a sense of wonder
in their life,
to honor the hard-earned wisdom
of their sufferings,
to waken their joy
that the King of all kings
stoops down
to wash their feet,
and looking up
into their face
'I know - I understand'

This world has become
a world of broken dreams
where dreamers are hard to find
and friends are few.

Lord, be the gatherer of our dreams
You set the countless stars in place,
and found room for each of them to shine.
You listen for us in Your heaven-bright hall.
Open our mouths to tell our tales of wonder...

I have a dream
that all the world will meet You,
and know You, Jesus,
in Your living power,
that someday soon
all people everywhere will hear Your story
and hear it in a way they understand.

1 comment:

Ash Tray said...

I will print this prayer. Pray this prayer. I need this prayer.
