Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Morning Prayer

Walking today was amazing!! I followed my same route through the trails in the forest to emerge onto the beach. But today, I was struck with the growth and fullness of the vegetation around me. Perhaps because summer was so late in arriving or perhaps because I enjoyed the barrenness of the forest in the winter, today the abundance of foliage just overwhelmed me. And as I walked, I thought of this: (taken from Celtic Benediction by J. Philip Newell)

In the beginning, O God,
when the firm earth emerged from the waters of life
You saw that it was good.
The fertile ground was moist
the seed was strong
and earth's profusion of colour and scent was born.
Awaken my senses this day
to the goodness that still stems from Eden.
Awaken my senses
to the goodness that can still spring forth
in me and in all that has life.

and this one:

The world is alive with Your goodness, O God,
it grows green from the ground
and ripens into the roundness of fruit.
Its taste and its touch
enliven my body and stir my soul.
Generously given
profusely displayed
Your graces of goodness pour forth from the earth.
As I have received
so free me to give.
As I have been granted
so may I give.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tara, thanks for sharing both these prayers - I really enjoy both of them - we recently started our first attempt at gardening - just a few little things on the balcony but I'm excited about it :)