Saturday, June 21, 2008

Heard Recently at the Malouf House

Well, we've officially entered a new season in our household. I now have a member of "generation text" living under my roof! Mikaela got her first cell phone...and my life will never be the same again.

She has been playing with it non-stop since she got it on Thursday and has had to recharge it twice! Plus, she and her friends have figured out the text messaging so well that we decided to upgrade her plan to include 250 text messages a month or else she would have been broke within 5 days! (She has to pay for her monthly charges.)

So here is the conversation I recently heard in the backseat of my car:

Mikaela: My phone has megapixels!!

Luc: What are those??

Mikaela: I don't know.

Luc: Well....if it uses the word "mega", it has to be good!!!


Anonymous said...

hey, friend, this made me giggle! So cute!

Lindiana Jones said...

I like the way Luc thinks!