Monday, February 11, 2008

Patterns - Week 2

This last week, I've been struck by the patterns of 'what I've done and what I've left undone'. Some of you have too. One person shared with me that she wrote down the patterns in her life that God was showing forth and another wrote a beautiful blog in which she shares "It’s starting to be clear to me that the journey through Lent must start with me. It must start with looking at my own brokenness and my own sinfulness…and it must be a look that leads to repentance."

I have been stirred with thoughts about confession - that it is the broken place that brings vitality to our walk with God. It is a place of extreme humility but also of great freedom. I am convicted that I so often choose to 'fix it' myself, a pattern that sometimes renders God unnecessary.

Praying Lent:
As we move out in our concentric circles, this week we will look at and pray about/for the patterns in our relationships with our families, friends and neighbors. What sorts of patterns in those relationships do we 'do or leave undone' that need to change? Do we give and receive forgiveness with those in this circle? Are we actively pursuing reconciliation? Are we confessing to one another?

(WOW! Looking at the above questions, it might be one heck of a week between me and God and those around me!! Please pray for I'll pray for you!)

Living Lent:
For those of you who like tangible prayers, how about this: Find a piece of patterned cloth that perhaps represents your Lenten journey. Find photos (or representative items) of the family, friends, or neighbors that God shows you that you need to change your patterns of relating with. Put them in the cloth and tie it up. Keep it in a place to remind you that this is what you carry on this week of the journey...and pray for insight and courage to change the pattern.

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